Ultrabooks are sleek and sexy, a marriage of laptop and tablet. But are they contenders against Apple’s iPad? Are we talking oranges and oranges here? Read the rest of this entry »
SEO Mistakes – A Lesson Learned from the JCPenney Fiasco
No CommentsAs recent as just a few years ago, creating a web presence simply meant creating a site, creating content, and publishing the site online. Period. Individuals did not take into account how traffic would flow to their site or how it was supposed to get into the top results in page rankings by the top search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, and more recently, Bing. Then in 2006, the words “search engine optimization” began to appear. Since that time, SEO has become one of the leading strategies to drive traffic to one’s site for many companies across a wide range of industries. Read the rest of this entry »
Is It Time for Your Company to Get a Mobile Website?
No CommentsIf you are getting ready to market your website to the mobile minions, you need to take some time to decide if you simply want a mobile application, or if you want a full blown interactive website for your visitors. Of course, the end point is what you are after, so the choice between mobile applications and mobile websites is a paramount one; it all depends upon the goals you have for your company and the budget you have to make it happen. Read the rest of this entry »