Having a blog as part of your website is only as valuable as you make it. If you don’t already, please recognize that the blog is your website’s momentum builder. You have the necessary static web pages that give the basic information about your business; these pages have, hopefully, been optimized for search engines, but then that’s it… they’re done. On the other hand, pages that are updated on a regular basis (such as blog pages) are re-analyzed by search engines and newer content ranks higher in search engine results. Therefore, the more you update your blog, the higher your site will appear in search results. But wait… there’s more here than meets the eye! Read the rest of this entry »
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I’m Gonna Update My Blog, Like, At Least Four Times A Day
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Stone Soup Technology Creates Custom Application for Williams-Sonoma Distribution Center
No CommentsHandheld-device inventory control application increases client’s accuracy and efficiency. Read the rest of this entry »